Sunday, December 27, 2009


For Christmas I got John and me snowshoes. Today we were able to try them out. We headed to the Sycamore Access area of the bike path to get started. There were a lot of tracks from cross country skiers, but we were the first snowshoe tracks. It was very quiet, we only met two other people the hour and a half we were out.

John is much more coordinated on the snowshoes. He can actually jump. I almost fell over after posing with one foot in the air.

I really enjoyed snowshoeing. I'm looking forward to spending a few hours a weekend in the woods getting some sunshine. I think it will make winter suck just a little bit less, and that is a darn good thing.


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essjay said...

I'm glad you both love your gift of snowshoes so much - what an awesome way to enjoy the suck that is winter!