Sunday, June 13, 2010

Multigrain Bread Extraordinaire: Bread of the Week 24

This week I made Multigrain Bread Extraordinaire. The grains used are cornmeal, rolled oats, wheat bran, bread flour, and brown rice. It made for a hearty bread.
The rise went well, but the bread fell once it was in the oven. I have that problem every time I use cornmeal in a bread. I don't mind too much, as this is the kind of bread I enjoy toasted, and dense bread tastes fine when it's crunchy.
This bread is best enjoyed covered in peanut butter and jelly and eaten while looking for new recipes in cooking magazines.


essjay said...

I'm glad you still enjoy the bread even though it fell. I love a dense bread toasted!

mary-claire said...

agreed. dense toasted bread is lovely! looking forward to seeing you soon!

misterrios said...

The bread is probably falling because it's risen too long- Try shortening the second rise. But it is a damn fine looking loaf, and I bet it was very tasty.

Liz said...

you hit the nail on the head -- dense bread is great when toasted. I don't like cornmeal breads any other way. Brown rice, huh? Did you cook it first? or does it soften up in the baking process? ......I'm assuming you cooked it first.